Hand in hand with our suppliers, experts in various categories, we work along with our customers in the development of their brand.


Our suppliers have expert portfolios of products to meet your needs.

But, if they don't meet them, we work with their R&D departments in order to find the exact product you need.

By having suppliers of several categories in different countries, we are aware of the new trends that mark the step in other markets, anticipating their arrival to our country.

We can work on new recipes until we get the exact product you request.


Our design department can help you to capture a category or range positioning.

We can take care of the whole process, from the first sketch to the product printing.

Our mission is to attend to new design trends, both in Spain and globally, always trying to be one step ahead.

We work with Eurofins, being able to leave it in our hands to check that both the information and the labeling codes are in accordance with the law.


We take care of the entire process in the supply chain down to your platform. We analyze the category, estimate sales at weeks ahead (even months).

We collaborate with you in order to better understand the PL category and improve the management of stock, orders, etc.

POS Managment

We have our own sales force, which can help checking the effectiveness of the implementation, transfer to central the potential challenges that may arise in the stores, verification of promotional execution if any, installation of POS material, etc.

A team at your disposal for a perfect implementation.

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